Personal Details
Date of Birth: july 09, 1984
Place of Birth: Adjud, Romania
Address: Bucharest, Nufarul Galben street , no 41 sector 5
Phone: 0040-731630010
1998-2002 Nicolae Tonitza Fine Art Highschool, scenography
2002- 2006 ”The National University of Theater Art and Cinematography” ,Set and Costume Design- Scenography in TV, Theatre and Film
2006- Graduated License- with The Alchemist ,by Paulo Coelho, theatre show, Brasov.
The International Competition of Painted Icons – Bulgary, 2000
The National Competition ”Village Museum and the childrens “ -1997
Essay presentation at “Creativitate si eficienta educationala”, May 2001
Essay presentation at “Victor Hugo 100“ celebration in Bucharest
Winner- LG Company photo-reportage contest "Story from my street"with Sperantei 24 project, photography, painter, concept.
Winner -photography contest Sony -Ericsson - Smile Shutter
Winner- U.E. photography contest, international photo contest 2009.
History :
2004: photography exhibition at the movie festival “CineMaIubit”
2005: Scenography exhibiton at « Arcub »
2006: Scenography exhibiton at The International Theater Festival from Sibiu, the 13th edition
2006: Art exhibition at “French Institute” – Victor Hugo-100
2007: Participation at the International Scenography Quadrienal-Prague
Participation at the International FRANCE-2001-"Dubuffet"
2006: Graphic Art Exhibion in 2006 at “The International Workshops of Drama Schools“ in Sinaia
2008: Group Exhibition at Ateneul Roman Y@A
2007: Group Exhibition at Casa George Enescu Y@A
2008: Group Exhibition at Balul de Cristal- Cristal Ball, by Royal House of Romania &Y@A
2009: Group Exhibition at Bucharest Financial Plaza, Y@A
2008: International art Fair Italy, Bolzano- Kunstart
2008: International art Fair Copenhagen- Denmark Artville
2008: International art Fair and Photgraphy art Fair Germany, -Berlin- Berliner Liste
2004: Eternal fashion - National festival Open Doors
2003: Unconventional costumes” [free and easy]
2009: Atelierul de amintiri”- The memories Studio”- Clubul Taranului
2002: “Positive life”, directed by Sebastian Voinea
2004: “The Encounter” -directed by Raluca Mirescu
2005: “Casa Sperantei directed by Raluca Mirescu
2005: “Brief encounter”- regia Sebastian Voinea
Videoclips, Publicity Spot and Campain And Story-boards:
2005: Scenography and story-board-Publicity spot at Casino Napoleon
november 2005:
Scenography and story-board: musical clip Travka- “Corabia nebunilor”
july, 2006: Conception and drawings for advertising story-board - La Mignnone - Capricorn Advertising
2006: Coca-Cola light
july 2005: Scenografphy and story-board- video-clip- Casino Napoleon
2008: Object design for promoting The Rocky Horror Show, musical, producer Cezar Helmis, ajudecat Inclusive Media,
2008: Apparition in the Enciclopedy Who is Who-year personality, 2008
2007: Scenography Summitul Cetatenilor-People Summit, Romexpo, by Fundatia Societatea Reala- production, scenography and light design by Studio Pierrot
2008: Stage graphic-body painting, Gala MMA, Adjudecat Inclusiv Media and Antena 1,Ploiesti
2008: Scenograpfhy for TV show and contest -Eurovision, for Tina and Vank
Design- Concept:scenography, concept, costume design, gift design snd props fot the Launch event, HBO Romania- True Blood, production GlobeTrotter
Design concept: Launch event ING Private Banking- event years 30-production Ogilvy
Scenic projects:
Concept-scenography for “The glass bell ”by Veronica Ion
“Strangers when we meet ” by Radu Popescu , “King-stab'' – by Carlo Gozzi- by Radu Popescu, “The Seagull”, by Cehov, directed by Radu Popescu
Graphic draft :
2005-brand design for Senso Television
2005-Scenography-cotume design and story-board- advertising clip- Casino Napoleon-
2005-Graphic design for the Art book cover -“De la text la imaginea scenica” Adriana Raicu-Petre – 2005
2006-Shuting-board for a spot- Fuchs by AIM.
2006-Concept, drawing, story-board for La Mignnone - Capricorn Advertising
2006-Graphic Concept for Effie Awards, Capricorn Media Advertising
2006-Story board for water advertising clip, Capricorn Media Advertising
2009-Design and graphic concept for concert poster- A.G.Weinberger
2009-Graphic design for La Nuci- restaurant, t-shirts and advertising totem banner.
2009-Graphic concept for Targ-usor, hand-made art-fair, 4 edition.
2009-Design concept for a private Cinema- graphic layouts and design
Stage performances:
Bucharest 2005-2006: Scenography and poster for ”Travestiuri” by Tom Stoppard, directed by Dan Vasile, Nottara Theatre ,
- july 2006 Scenography and poster concept for ”Love's Labour's Lost” by W. Shakespeare, directed by Dan Vasile at “G. A. Petculescu Theatre” ,
Brasov 2006-2007 “The Alchimist”, by Paulo Coelho, directed by Dan Vasile , National Theatre Sica Alecsandrescu,
-“Waiting for Godot”, by Samuel Beckett, independent project by Radu Popescu , unfinished
Scenography -costum The Rocky Horror Show, musical, , director Alexander Hausevater, producer Cezar Helmis &Antena 1& Adjudecat I. M. and Intact M.A,
Amalia breaths deeply”, by Alina Nelega, directed by Dan Vasile-independent project Compania Mica
2007-2010: Rezidential design project- Chis house
rezidential design project - mosaic design
Residential design project, Bucharest- Voluntari, 2008
Design Project commercial space- Aqua Clean, Cotroceni Mall
Restaurant “La Dud”- Interior design and Garden design
Restaurant “La nuci”- interior and Garden Design ,event design
Room design for private client, Bucharest 2008
Design and painting for Afterschool space, Bucharest
2009: Personal project: -" Come to life "-personal project and design and wall/street painting for a historical building in the old Bucharest.
2009: Scoatem arta in strada!!- personal contemporain art project -video projection, live pathefon music, vintage and hand made art, proiect premiat de LG
2009-2010: Targ-usor 1,2,3,4,5 edition - thematic events concept that brings together modern art and hand-made art
edition no 5 Christhmas event- for Deja-Fu Cafe
2009-2010: stylist, photography Collaboration for tv shows at Pro-Bg Sofia, Bulgaria- Happy Hour
Producer for Mircea Vintila Concert - location -La nuci garden
2010: Stylist in chief,styling- Book concept and designer for ProBG Media, Sofia , Bulgaria- for Happy Hour show and Money Trap show.
Work in progress:
Scenography, The Pillowman , BY MARTIN McDONAGH directed by Radu Popescu, independent Project for Metropolis private Theatre.
Children Book design by Radu Popescu
Scenography- The Ugly one, independent project , director Radu Popescu
Designer for La nuci.
Artistic arts : painting, artistic skills, drawing, design, home design, photography.
Visual arts : advertising, arts,tv, theater and film;
Computer skills: Adobe Photoshop
Driving License, A, B
Interests photography, motorcycle, movies,theatre and arts, travelling
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